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Site Analysis

La Trobe Street

Latrobe Street is a busy street. Pedestrian always pass, stop there and waiting for tram. 


Tiny Alley Within Two Buildings



​A small space between a Melbourne business college and an (apartment?) to be rent out. This small space is not being used few years ago and now it is used to park the truck during construction.

Image A : 2016 (building haven’t been demolished)

Image B : captured recently which is undergoing construction. 


The construction is undergoing but they still neglect the small space, I think it is wasted to not being used in future. 


Width of the space= appx 2.5m.

Pedestrian Accessibility 

Wind Direction

Community Flow

Public Transport Accessibility


It is a busy street surrounds the location. People and transportation never stops and it is hard to find a space to live.

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